Getting Started

This guide will explain how to get started with Quarto for Python and the holoviz-quarto extension.

Installing Quarto

You can install everything you need with Conda

conda create -n holoviz-quarto -c conda-forge python=3.11 r-quarto perl jupyter panel hvplot matplotlib

This will

  • Create a Python environment named holoviz-quarto.
  • Install Quarto and its dependencies perl and jupyter
  • Install panel and other Python packages

For alternative installation methods check out the Quarto Getting Started Guide.

Installing the holoviz-quarto extension


You can use HoloViz with Quarto without this extension. If you install the extension you will get additional features. Currently the {panel-convert-python} filter.

You can install the holoviz-quarto extension in your Quarto project via

quarto add awesome-panel/holoviz-quarto

This will install the extension under the _extensions subdirectory. If you’re using version control, you will want to check in this directory.

Now put this in the header of your document, or in the _quarto.yml file:

  - holoviz/quarto

An example document is shown below.

title: Panel in Quarto Examples
format: html
  - holoviz/quarto

This is a Panel application embedded in a Quarto doc.

import panel as pn


slider = pn.widgets.IntSlider(name="Select a value", value=10, start=0, end=100)
    "# Hello Panel + Quarto!",
    pn.rx("You selected: {}").format(slider),

The above component is an entire Panel application running live and interactively powered by Pyodide.

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